Welcome To The Website Of The Deeside Naturalists' Society


All members please note:

The Reserve and hides are open to all members.
(Except from 17.00 every Monday to 06.00 the following morning (Tuesday). During this time the site is closed to members so that essential maintenance can be carried out.) 

Please continue to read the notices at the signing in station relating to any current restrictions when visiting the site.

Notice to Members

Morrison (acting on behalf of National Grid) have detected some slight subsidence on one of the 400Kv Pylons close to the composting area of the Nature Reserve (there is no safety issue or worry).

However, in line with their statutory powers they are commencing work to correct the issue. You my have noticed some roadworks signs appeared on the entrance road (23rd Jan).

The work is anticipated to last 2-3 weeks and will involve increased vehicle traffic through the Nature Reserve. At the current time we are told the works will not require reserve closure, but DNS members should pay extra care and attention when using reserve roads while the works are ongoing.

Feburary Field Trip
Saturday 22nd
North Wales Coast

A run along the coast to see what scarce or rarities are around, unfortunately the glossy ibis has flown.

Meet at the DNS reserve barrier at 8.30 am.
If you have any local knowledge please bring it with you.
If you want any further information contact Bill on 07968438121

Connahs Quay Power Station

The link below goes to a copy of the leaflet prepared by Uniper regarding their proposal for the development of Connahs Quay Power Station.

       The project is at an early stage, so no details are available at the moment other than those on the document. The committee have met with Uniper and have been told access to the reserve will be available throughout the project.

       Uniper have also said they will meet with us to ensure we are kept informed of the progress of the scheme and enable us to have an input to any issues affecting the reserve.

       If you have any questions please contact the Secretary at secretary@deenats.org.uk

Additional Notices

Scroll within the box below to move through the notices. Further details will be available on the Notices page or other links if required.

Hawarden Photographic Society

With the demise of the Photography Group for those interested in photography they may like to consider joining the Hawarden Photographic Society.

It is a small, friendly group that welcomes anyone with an interest in photography and covers a wide range of genres and abilities. The club nights consist of a mixture of Zoom sessions and meetings at the Hawarden Institute. These include guest speakers, training workshops and competitions. We also run field trips to local areas of interest.

For further information and contact details please visit the HPS website www.hawardenphotographicsociety.com by clicking on the image below:

Problems with emailing to btinternet accounts

Please note:
We are continuing to experience issues sending emails from the Societies email accounts to btinternet email addresses. For some reason, and on a random basis, they are being blocked from being received.

We can, however, still receive emails from btinternet addresses. Other email providers seem to be working as normal.

Therefore, until this is fixed could anyone trying to contact us through btinternet accounts also include a phone number if a reply is required.


The DNS facebook page can be found by logging on to Facebook then typing 'Members of the Deeside Naturalists Society' into the search box at the top of the screen. Then following on screen instructions.


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